Introduction to Opening-door Events


Introduction to Opening-door Events

Opening-door events are "out of the ordinary" experiences so obviously associated with our loved ones who have died that to deny them is a betrayal to those whose disappearance brought such pain that the only sensible solution seemed to be to die to join them. To not betray the beloved and vanished is one reason why it is important to document your opening-door events. There is, however, another very important reason which is thoroughly discussed in Finding Aaron. It is summarized here: documenting your opening-door events in an effort to understand collaboration with the physically dead is to engage in the furthering of the evolution of consciousness.

A few personal experiences with the dead are shared below in the hopes that readers will recognize similar events and will be motivated to document his/her own opening-door events and begin the work of acquiring the truth about death that lies just beyond belief.

These experiences force the extension of understanding beyond the old theory of scientific materialism and beyond the belief systems of second rate spirituality. Scientific materialism insists that "there is only one material reality, that all things are made of matter (and its correlates, energy and fields) and that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of matter."[1] Research conducted and funded within this model assumes that matter is the base of life and states that consciousness is a result of brain function. Without a brain, states the theory, there can be no consciousness and so any communication from the dead must be "only subjective." But that is exactly what is yet to be proven. Communication with the dead does not in any way, shape or form contradict science. It only contradicts an old theory called scientific materialism.[2]

LIFE is far bigger than a brain and to explore the mysterious component called death is not a sin nor is it discourteous to God, as insisted upon by second rate spirituality. The same trouble Galileo was having 500 years ago when he countered with his statement so often repeated in our material, "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." Galileo refused to be held hostage to dogma, be it called Scientific Materialism or Blind Faith.

Led by our need to understand our Opening-door events we proved to ourselves that

The Key

[1] Goswami, Amit. The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World, page 280.

[2] Newtonian Classical Physics, Scientific Materialism, Material Realism, and Physicalism are some of the other names given to models sharing the same basic assumption that everything, including consciousness, comes from matter.
