Radio Interview
About Workshops
Are you interested in exploring the statement "death is not a dead" end in a systematic, rational, and open way? Are you interested enough to gather friends for a Workshop? If so, click here, and let’s get started exploring together the very real possibility that there is far more to death than dying.
- Goal of Workshop: to become skilled at using reason, sense, and intellect to recognize, understand, and utilize after-death communications as a practice for not only transcending grief, but also as a practice for nurturing spiritual growth. Or, as it is often called today, as a practice for evolving consciousness.
- Method: Using interactive exercises, workshop participants bring their previously unexamined beliefs about death into conscious awareness. After “unusual personal experiences” have been shared, using a format that involves speaking to only one person at a time, an investigation into how our beliefs interfere with our ability to understand our own experiences begins. The workshop finishes by offering practical steps on how to use reason, sense, and intellect to understand after-death communication and use it as a method of evolving consciousness, i.e., as a method of nurturing spiritual growth.